
by Jonanan Kleu (19-20/1/3818/5)

At the bottom of the deepest well

Between the pages of your favourite book

The people tell

Of a precious nook


Beyond the world of Dust

Beyond the mortal crust


A world of calm

They call it Ngamdi-Ar’e’mam


To those uncouth

It’s called the Land of Youth


A place, it’s said

Men don’t die

Death fears to tread

In a place where dreams fly



Some ignore why

Angels fly

From the Land of Calm:



Demons too don’t go

Along with the human flow




Everyone wants to be there

But no one wants to stay

None will dare

The price to pay
So awful is it

(None will admit)

That Ngamdi-Ar’e’mam

Is just too calm



to strive for

to reach to

to hope for

to go to



The people of that place

(The place without a human face)

They don’t understand

Why the human mind

Always needs a helping hand


They think

A body fed, watered and rested

Means a healthy mind – no kinks

That’s not so

We all know that, even Joe


Something major missing

Leads to doubt

That the perfect singing

Hides the mental drought


Despite their bliss

The travellers miss

What they left behind

More than what they came to find


When to Dust they come again

Their age is multiplied by ten

The world is bereft

Of what they left



All the years

On the traveller come at once

A flash of white

Onlookers gaze in fright

As the great voyager

Falls to the floor

Descends to rise no more


A final croak,

The traveller spoke

Pleas he gave

For those centuries in the grave


They can’t believe,

Those from Ngamdi-Ar’e’maam

(The Land of Calm)

That those who leave,

Death, is judgement pronounced

On those who return

On those they denounce

A person’s life they make to burn


In vain they look

For one who takes no second look

No matter what the kind of prey

A person who comes will run away

Adberu, Ngum: Jonanan Kleu’s Complete Works (3845/5)

Published by Chromographia

A modern mythologer

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